Research Journal of The University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Organization, Technology & Management in Construction: An International Journal
ISSN 1847-5450 print / ISSN 1847-6228 online
udc 62:658(05)
Abstracting/Indexing: The papers published in Organization, Technology & Management in Construction: An international Journal are abstracted/indexed by: EBSCO, INSPEC, ProQuest Science Journals

<<Table of Content |
2. Giorgio Locatelli, Mauro Mancini, Giulia Gastaldo, Federica Mazza:

Improving Projects Performance With Lean Construction:
State Of The Art, Applicability And Impacts
Construction projects are not often delivered on time and on budget and re-workings are usually required to satisfy customer’s needs. This papers aims to present an overview of Lean Construction (LC) and how this construction philosophy tackles the aforementioned problems. The research is empirical and based on data from the literature, 7 new Case Studies built with primary data, 12 Case Studies on CLIP (Construction Lean Improvement Programme) projects, 4 semi-structured Interviews with Firms adopting LC and several interviews (face to face and email) with LC experts. The results show as LC can achieve astonishing results focusing on reducing waste caused by unpredictable work-flow, paying attention on how every single activity affects the next one and avoiding reworking considered as no valued-added activity. The paper provides three original set of results: (1) a fuzzy cognitive map of LC showing how the different elements are linked to each other; (2) a pathway for the implementation of LC; (3) a synthesis of the strengths and the weaknesses of LC merging literature review with case studies analysis. In particular (3) shows the dimensions of projects adequate for lean construction, the increase of productivity and time reduction due to LC implementation and finally the reasons moving firms to adopt LC.